@extends('Reports.template') @section('title') Consignment Store Stock with supplier @endsection @section('ExternalCss') @parent @endsection @section('Content')
@if($businessEntityMasterData[0]->logo != null)
{{ $businessEntityMasterData[0]->name }}
{{$businessEntityMasterData[0]->add1. " " .$businessEntityMasterData[0]->add2 ." ".$businessEntityMasterData[0]->city." : " .$businessEntityMasterData[0]->pincode }}
{{"Phone : ".$businessEntityMasterData[0]->tel1}}
Consignment Store Stock with supplier | ||||||||||
From: {{date("d-m-Y", strtotime($fromDate))}} To: {{date("d-m-Y", strtotime($toDate))}} | Store : {{$storeName}} | As On : {{$currentTime->format('d/m/Y H:i:s ')}} | ||||||||
Supplier Name | Tran. Id | Tran. Date | Product Id | Product Name | Batch No | Batch Exp | Price Per Unit | Current Stock Qty | Current Stock Amt | |
".$reportDataValue->supplier_name." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->trn_type." / ".$reportDataValue->trn_fyear." / ".$reportDataValue->trn_id." | "; echo "".date("d-m-Y", strtotime($reportDataValue->trn_date))." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->product_id." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->product_name." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->batch_no." | "; echo "".date("d-m-Y", strtotime($reportDataValue->batch_exp))." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->price_per_unit." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->current_stock_qty." | "; echo "".$reportDataValue->current_stock_amt." | "; echo "